Author Archives: ls-team

15 Conversation Starters to Get Your Children Talking

Even if your child is a natural talker, it’s unlikely they’re a natural conversationalist. Knowing how to hold a conversation is an important life skill, and many of today’s children have fewer opportunities to practice due to the ever-present focus on technology.  However, conversations are still crucial in our society. They allow people to form […]

6 Screen-Free Activities

When you’re exhausted from a busy day and still have to prepare dinner or finish up some chores around the house, your first instinct may be to have your children watch TV or play on the tablet.  With quick entertainment always at arm’s reach, it’s easy for children to rack up hours of screen time. […]

3 Tips for Parenting Meltdowns

Seeing your child have a meltdown can be both heart-wrenching and frustrating. Five minutes ago, you were simply going about your day together. Now, they’re red in the face with tears pouring down. How do these emotional outbursts happen so fast, and what can you do to help your child express themselves more calmly and […]

Chores for Children. What is Age Appropriate?

If your kids aren’t helping out around the house, now’s the time to begin enlisting their assistance. Being tasked with chores gives children a chance to take pride in their work – and receive lots of praise from mom and dad! It also gives them a sense of responsibility and independence.  No matter what ages […]